I made her wait.
When my wife started to experiment with meat about 2 months ago she tried chicken, steak, pork tenderloin, some sliced ham, and even chorizo in Mexico. There are many burger options in NYC but I asked her to wait until we were in Santa Fe for Christmas to eat her first burger in 17 years. I wanted her first to be a Bobcat Bite green chile cheeseburger.
It's not that the Bobcat makes my favorite burger (I don't play favorites) but it is such a perfect specimen that I wanted her to start near the top. The Bobcat burger is made from naturally raised beef that John Eckre grinds and patties himself every morning. The green chile is perfect and the bun white 'n squishy. I was looking for a home run.
John and I discussed, hands on chins at the grill, how to prepare a burger for this monumental moment. We both agreed that medium-rare would scare her off (with all that juice and pink) so we settled on just north of medium.
After her first bite (pictured above) she announced to the entire restaurant, "Oh my god...what's not to love?" Someone in the restaurant asked, "Did you think your husband was just making this stuff up??"
Think of the burger experiences that await her...